
Re: startup error

Hello Chris - and welcome to the Forum.

Please read the advice to new members where you will be advised to include as much information about your query as you can - e.g. OS version, computer type & model, etc.  This helps people to assess your problem in the proper context, and you will receive more replies to your posts. 

You can't drag-&-drop images or files - you have to attach them.  Immediately under the text box where you type yo...
Hello Chris - and welcome to the Forum.

Please read the advice to new members where you will be advised to include as much information about your query as you can - e.g. OS version, computer type & model, etc.  This helps people to assess your problem in the proper context, and you will receive more replies to your posts. 

You can't drag-&-drop images or files - you have to attach them.  Immediately under the text box where you type yo...