
Re: ubuntu 16.04 on disc

Sorry Diggsy,  I am away from home at present and don't have a working DVD device to check what's on a Ubuntu disc.

It occurs to me that if you already have (an old version of) Ubuntu on this PC you could simply upgrade to the next higher version via the "software updater" facility.  What operating system is on it at present? 

If it's not Ubuntu, then I suggest that you do as I suggested in my earlier post:
Insert your new Ubuntu 20.04 disc in your computer, reboot and choose "wipe hdd an...
Sorry Diggsy,  I am away from home at present and don't have a working DVD device to check what's on a Ubuntu disc.

It occurs to me that if you already have (an old version of) Ubuntu on this PC you could simply upgrade to the next higher version via the "software updater" facility.  What operating system is on it at present? 

If it's not Ubuntu, then I suggest that you do as I suggested in my earlier post:
Insert your new Ubuntu 20.04 disc in your computer, reboot and choose "wipe hdd an...