
Re: ubuntu 16.04 on disc

Hi KiethI found del for bios and changed the boot order. The 20.04 disc loads up to a black screen with loads of white writing which is too small for me to read. There are lines and lines of this stuff.  The word error keeps coming up.  It t...
Hi Kieth

I found del for bios and changed the boot order. The 20.04 disc loads up to a black screen with loads of white writing which is too small for me to read. There are lines and lines of this stuff.  The word error keeps coming up.  It then goes over to another black screen with ubuntu at the bottom and a whirlygig that goes round and round.  I timed it for ten whole mins.  It doesnt go any further.

I did however manage to find a site where I downloaded ubuntu which was then scratched onto a disc in...