
Re: ubuntu 16.04 on disc

Hi Diggsy.

I'm pleased that you managed to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.  As your first post mentioned Ubuntu 16 I guessed that buying a DVD would be the best way to go, but had I realised that you actually had Ubuntu 18.04 I would have suggested just what you have done - upgrade "via the airwaves".  Well done. 

I would not even know what to put in a terminal as I have never programmed in my life.
"  You can with a little help from this Forum, but I warn you that learning to programme is very addi...
Hi Diggsy.

I'm pleased that you managed to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.  As your first post mentioned Ubuntu 16 I guessed that buying a DVD would be the best way to go, but had I realised that you actually had Ubuntu 18.04 I would have suggested just what you have done - upgrade "via the airwaves".  Well done. 

I would not even know what to put in a terminal as I have never programmed in my life.
"  You can with a little help from this Forum, but I warn you that learning to programme is very addi...