
Re: Wine / Microsoft Viruses

Hello Franklyn - and welcome to the Forum.

First of all:  why are you using anti-virus software on Linux?.  I suppose it's nice in principle, to avoid forwarding corrupted Windows files to other people, but most Linux users don't bother as it isn't really necessary. 
Please note that ClamAV works only on Debian versions of Linux, like Ubuntu. 

What is the location path to which ClamAV claims to send the list? 

There are no files in Linux that are completely hidden fro...
Hello Franklyn - and welcome to the Forum.

First of all:  why are you using anti-virus software on Linux?.  I suppose it's nice in principle, to avoid forwarding corrupted Windows files to other people, but most Linux users don't bother as it isn't really necessary. 
Please note that ClamAV works only on Debian versions of Linux, like Ubuntu. 

What is the location path to which ClamAV claims to send the list? 

There are no files in Linux that are completely hidden fro...