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Recent news re browser tracking abd on-line safety

In a recent email from the Electronic Frontiers Foundation ( I found these snippets that some might find interesting. FIGHTING CREEPY BROWSER TRACKING In 2021 Google announced Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), their replacemen...

In a recent email from the Electronic Frontiers Foundation ( I found these snippets that some might find interesting.

In 2021 Google announced Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), their replacement for third-party cookies. We called FLoC a “terrible idea,” even launching AmIFloCed to tell users if their browser had been turned into a guinea pig for this experiment. Now in 2023, Google has rolled out “Privacy Sandbox,” a Chrome feature that exchanges third-party cookies for a new way to track your internet use for advertising—“Topics.” EFF has updated the Privacy Badger browser extension to remove tracking from links in various Google products. You can follow this step-by-step guide to disable Privacy Sandbox.

The U.K. Parliament just passed the Online Safety Bill (OSB).This could empower the government to undermine encryption and the privacy and security of its residents and internet users worldwide. EFF will watch for regulations following the passing of the OSB. The U.S. is also seeking to pass a bill that would threaten encryption—the STOP CSAM Act—and we’re pushing back with our partner organizations who agree: a private conversation is a basic human right.

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