
Wine / Microsoft Viruses (Solved)

Everyone, including Newbies, soon get to realise that ClamAV throws up many 'viruses' that are viewed as 'false positives' by experienced users. Clam actually displays the location of said 'viruses' - mainly in Firefox and LibreOffice. Yet when you view the location, that 'virus' is not displayed - even after you 'show hidden files'. So are we to assume that the file is not there, or is there but hidden beyond our control/reach. I think as the file is actually named by Clam, we must assume it it there hi...
Everyone, including Newbies, soon get to realise that ClamAV throws up many 'viruses' that are viewed as 'false positives' by experienced users. Clam actually displays the location of said 'viruses' - mainly in Firefox and LibreOffice. Yet when you view the location, that 'virus' is not displayed - even after you 'show hidden files'. So are we to assume that the file is not there, or is there but hidden beyond our control/reach. I think as the file is actually named by Clam, we must assume it it there hi...