
HALP. cannot set up vpn on ubuntu

hey guys. i have been going absolutely stir crazy, on this for going on 6 hours straight! cannot get my vpn settings to load at all. i have tried everryytthhiinngg. all sudo commands, zip commands, installed software, lost my marbles and getting the same error. below is the code for the open vpn protocol for perfect privacy. any idea what's going on please? much appreciation. ps have had this exact set up before and never ever had an issue. wahhhhh.

terminal code is as follows (red text at bottom is the ...
hey guys. i have been going absolutely stir crazy, on this for going on 6 hours straight! cannot get my vpn settings to load at all. i have tried everryytthhiinngg. all sudo commands, zip commands, installed software, lost my marbles and getting the same error. below is the code for the open vpn protocol for perfect privacy. any idea what's going on please? much appreciation. ps have had this exact set up before and never ever had an issue. wahhhhh.

terminal code is as follows (red text at bottom is the ...