
Re: SSH Key authentication

As I understand it; on most desktops (?) when you log in it should activate the desktop's chosen keychain application and it should prompt you for a password to unlock your keychain. Once unlocked, subsequent use of the keychain should be transparent. (i.e. no password needed at the point of use, because it pulls it from the keychain) So to add your private ssh key to your keychain;
Code: [Select]
ssh-add .ssh/<private key>
(then enter your password) To ensure it's use, in .ssh/config;
Host *
As I understand it; on most desktops (?) when you log in it should activate the desktop's chosen keychain application and it should prompt you for a password to unlock your keychain. Once unlocked, subsequent use of the keychain should be transparent. (i.e. no password needed at the point of use, because it pulls it from the keychain) So to add your private ssh key to your keychain;
Code: [Select]
ssh-add .ssh/<private key>
(then enter your password) To ensure it's use, in .ssh/config;
Host *

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Mad Penguin

Mad Penguin is a Linux forum administrator and moderator.