
Internet Domain names and Hosting

Just a note for anyone who who is paying for an Internet Domain name and is unaware of CloudFlare. Typically hosting companies specialising in domain registration and hosting (like GoDaddy for example) will charge something like £11.99 per...

Just a note for anyone who who is paying for an Internet Domain name and is unaware of CloudFlare. Typically hosting companies specialising in domain registration and hosting (like GoDaddy for example) will charge something like £11.99 per year to register and host a UK domain. They will then pay the governing registry a fee (typically be less due to bulk discount) and make some margin. Worth noting some providers offer a very small fee for the first year, but watch out for the recurring fee and minimum term (!)

Cloudflare (which is something I use a fair bit for all sort of things) announced a little while back that they were going to provide domain name registration and hosting for US domain names, and later extended it to UK domain names. The thing that struck me at the time was they were advertising charges at cost, i.e. they were just charging the bulk rate from the respective registries, so for example I’m paying £3.75/year for UK domain names. (which is somewhat less than I used to pay (!))

I held back for a while simply because they didn’t seem to be advertising it heavily and it seemed too good to be true. That said, I’ve now had all domains I administer on Cloudflare for the last couple of years and it’s run very smoothly and I wouldn’t dream of going back.

Anyway, don’t be put off by the lack of advertising, you can sign up to CloudFlare’s free tier, then register UK and US domain names ‘at cost’ and it works. (and CloudFlare have an $18Bn market cap so they’re not about to vanish overnight :wink: )

… this is not in any way a sponsored comment, just “how to get services at cost:slight_smile:

$ whois

    Domain name:

        Cloudflare, Inc. [Tag = CLOUDFLARE]

    Name servers:

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Mad Penguin

Mad Penguin is a Linux forum administrator and moderator.